
We aim to be a fair employer offering all employees equal opportunity to develop to their full potential regardless of gender.

By law employers with 250 or more employees are required to publish gender pay gap information each year. We welcome this initiative.

Our mean (average) gender pay gap is 22.7%. This is higher than the UK average gender pay gap of 14.9% (April 2021 Estimate) but a decrease for Neal’s Yard by 0.2% from April 2020 (22.9%). Our mean (average) gap decreased by 0.2% from April 2020 to 2021 for all employees, the UK mean (average) gap increased by 1% from 13.9% to 14.9%.

What is the gender pay gap?

A gender pay gap is the difference between the average of all women’s and the average of all men’s earnings, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.

Our pay gap is calculated by taking the average pay of all men working in the company and comparing it with the average pay of all women working in the company.

The difference between the two averages is our Mean pay gap.

Does a gender pay gap mean that women are not being paid the same as men for doing the same jobs?

No, but this is a common misconception. Paying a man and a woman differently when they do the same or equivalent work is unlawful under the equality legislation.

When a company has a gender pay gap it does not mean that men and women who do the same job are being paid differently.

Whilst the minority of employees in the business are men, they happen to be employed in higher paid jobs. The concentration of a small number of men in such jobs causes the average male salary to be higher than the average female salary.

There is no difference in hourly pay rates between the genders in our factory and retail teams although we employ fewer males than females in retail.

Our Results

At Neal’s Yard Remedies, 79.1% of our whole team is female. 50% of our total employees work within our stores, consequently most of our Retail team are women.

Gender Pay Gap

Our Gender Pay Gap

Our mean* (average) gender pay gap is 22.7%.

The UK average gender pay gap is 14.9%. (April 2021 est.)
*Mean average is the difference between the average of all men’s and all women’s pay achieved when all the rates are added together and divided by the number of males and females.

Our median** gender pay gap reduced from 25.3% in April 2020 to 23.5% in April 2021. The UK median gender pay gap is 15.4%. (April 2021 est.)
**Median is the difference between the mid points in the ranges of men’s and women’s pay achieved by taking the middle figure when the amounts are put in the order of smallest to largest.

Pay Quartiles

These graphics show the percentage of men and women within
each pay quartile at Neal’s Yard Remedies:

Gender Pay Gap

Lower Quartile

Gender Pay Gap

Lower Middle Quartile

Gender Pay Gap

Upper Middle Quartile

Gender Pay Gap

Upper Quartile

The Pay Quartiles show that the proportion of women mostly reflects the makeup of our business across the quartiles.

Bonus Pay Gap

Bonus payments include commission earned in store.

Gender Pay Gap

What we can do better

Due to the nature of our business, a very high concentration of our retail team is female which drives the gap. We continue to monitor our gender pay gap to ensure that men and women can progress equally by offering opportunities for all our people. In addition, working to attract and recruit people who represent our communities and customers, maintaining our focus on both gender and ethnicity.