Bringing nature into communities with Grow to Know
Neal's Yard Remedies partnered with the London-based collective Grow to Know for an urban planting day in North Kensignton.

“As the garden bloomed, so did we."
As a part of our continuous efforts to protect biodiversity, Neal’s Yard Remedies has partnered with Grow to Know, a London-based collective that addresses social and environmental challenges by aligning nature and community.
Grow to Know is a non-profit organization that was founded in response to the Grenfell tragedy, with the goal of pioneering a culture shift where nature is given priority and is seen as our partner.
The Grow to Know Cause
Grow to Know believes everyone should have access to green space, and regreening and beautifying disused urban spaces makes up a significant part of what they do.
The collective has its roots in North Kensington, where founder, Tayshan Hayden-Smith first took to the streets following the Grenfell Tower fire in search of understanding, solace and justice.
It was in those moments that he turned to nature, discovering gardening as a way to heal.
Local residents joined Tayshan in his guerrilla gardening efforts, and the group’s branches soon began to extend outwards into the wider community, healing, unifying and empowering people through plants.
They began making mattresses with no plastics, synthetics, glues or chemical fire retardants.
Just 100% natural, the way it should be.

Watering the Seeds of Community
Last month, we joined Grow to Know for a planting day in North Kensington. Together with members of the local community, we helped bring to life an underused urban space, transforming it into a pollinator-friendly garden to be enjoyed by residents and visitors.
This new green space will provide the opportunity for the community to engage and reconnect with nature every day, allowing both to thrive.
We are all dependent on pollinators for a healthy eco-system, for the food we eat, and of course for cultivating the natural ingredients we need for our Neal's Yard products.
In addition to our planting efforts, Neal’s Yard Remedies also contributed some of our own homegrown, pollinator-friendly plants to the garden, which were grown in the grounds of our eco-factory in Dorset.

What are we doing to help?
To support Grow to Know in their mission to reconnect communities with nature, we will be contributing 5% of sales from every 12 Days of Beauty & Wellbeing calendar to fund the work they carry out, helping to bring nature into urban communities and demonstrating the positive impact that this can have on both individual wellbeing and biodiversity.
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