Stand By Bees Campaign Gains Support in Parliament
Since our beginnings in 1981, Neal’s Yard Remedies has set the standard for creating high-quality natural and organic products in a way that respects and preserves the biodiversity of our precious planet.
One of the ways we honour this commitment is through our pledge to protect our vital pollinator populations from decline, a cause we’ve championed since 2011.
Our latest campaign, Stand By Bees, gained traction in Parliament on Tuesday 5th March as ministers highlighted the threat that the reduction of pollinators poses to the UK economy, and gave special recognition to Anabel Kindersley, our owner and CEO, for her role in the fight against neonicotinoids.

"No debate could happen without [Anabel’s] continued pressure on MPs and her encouragement of us to keep pushing further and further. Bees and nature matter; if we are not having that constantly said, there is a risk that the wider use of neonicotinoids becomes something that is just accepted..."
On Tuesday 5 March, UK Shadow Environment Minister, Daniel Zeichner, pledged to put an end to emergency authorisations of toxic neonicotinoid pesticides in the UK, emphasising the detrimental impact of neonicotinoids on businesses and the urgent need for sustainable agricultural practices.
He recognised Anabel Kindersley's pivotal role in establishing the Stand By Bees campaign and commended the joint efforts of businesses calling for an end to the use of bee-killing pesticides.
Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, also expressed gratitude for Anabel Kindersley's efforts, stating:
"No debate could happen without [Anabel’s] continued pressure on MPs and her encouragement of us to keep pushing further and further. Bees and nature matter; if we are not having that constantly said, there is a risk that the wider use of neonicotinoids becomes something that is just accepted, and that their authorisation becomes an annual occurrence that passes without a parliamentary vote."
"The UK bee population is responsible for pollinating 80% of our wildflowersiv, which are vital in maintaining the biodiversity of our ecosystems... with just one teaspoon of neonicotinoids being enough to kill 1.25 billion bees.ii"
The latest research shows that the UK’s flying insect population has decreased by as much as 60% in the last 20 years.i Neonicotinoids and other toxic pesticides are directly contributing, with just one teaspoon of neonicotinoids being enough to kill 1.25 billion bees.ii
The repercussions of this decline could be disastrous for the UK economy, as these pollinators carry an approximate value of £691 million in terms of the crops they pollinate.iii Not only that, but the UK bee population is responsible for pollinating 80% of our wildflowersiv, which are vital in maintaining the biodiversity of our ecosystems.
Stand By Bees is a campaign that aims to put an end to the use of hazardous pesticides in the UK, protecting our bees, businesses and countryside. Led by Anabel Kindersley, the campaign unites a coalition of over 105 British likeminded businesses, including British Beauty Council, Yeo Valley, Lush, Weleda and Walpole, alongside leading environmental organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, The Wildlife Trusts, Pesticide Action Network and the RSPB.
Neonicotinoids are currently banned across the EU, but have been approved for emergency use for the last four years by the UK government, against the advice of its scientific advisors. The Stand By Bees coalition has been calling on the UK government to set meaningful targets to reduce pesticide usage, with the aim of reversing the dramatic decline in pollinator populations we’ve seen in the last decade.

The Stand By Bees campaign achieving recognition in Parliament has been a promising step forward in our bid to ban bee-killing pesticides, but the fight is still ongoing.
You can help keep up the pressure on the government by writing to your MP using one of the letter templates you’ll find on, and by raising awareness within your own networks about the importance of protecting our precious pollinators.
And, by choosing certified organic products, you’re supporting the shift away from chemical pesticides and towards more nature-friendly alternatives. Our certified organic Bee Lovely collection is a great place to start, with 3% of sales donated to bee-friendly charities. So far, this collection has enabled us to raise more than £350,000 for projects that support bee populations around the world.