The intuitive NYR Purifying Abdominal Massage offers a deeply nurturing and soothing full-body experience to induce relaxation using a combination of gentle massage techniques with a focus on the abdomen and sacrum; connecting ancient, traditional bodywork and knowledge to support the restoration of the body as a whole. Our intention for the treatment is one of deep connection and purification to enhance our client’s physical and mental state.
The treatment is enhanced with the Neal’s Yard Remedies Ginger and Juniper Warming Oil, which is a stimulating blend of ginger, juniper and rosemary in a skin-conditioning sunflower oil base, bringing comfort and adding a luxurious and timeless quality to the whole experience.
What to expect during your session
After an initial consultation, your therapist will perform the massage with a holistic approach, but also paying special attention to any areas you have highlighted.
Overall, your massage should be a calming experience, and promote feelings of contentment and relaxation. Your therapist will use a variety of techniques with the aim to relax the entire body by relieving tension. It’s not uncommon to feel sleepy after a treatment and your therapist will leave enough time for you to bring yourself back into the moment without losing the feeling of relaxation.

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